Saturday, June 7, 2008


In The News ...

I am pleased to announce that my article (Supernatural Success How Do We Achieve It) has been feature in the Gospel Truth News newspaper June 2008, issue on page-17. The newspaper is distributed through out various areas such as RDU, VA, and TX etc. If you are in one of these areas, please pickup a copy and read it. If you you are not in one of the distribution points for this newspaper I have included the article in my blog listed below.

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Article Insert ...


Doing it God’s way –

What is success? In the dictionary, success is defined as 1: the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors. 2: the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like. 3: a successful performance or achievement. Just to name a few. The 3 defined ways can be done by applying principles specifically spelled out in the BIBLE. In order to achieve success, you have to have specific goals so that success comes naturally. And how does it come naturally? It comes from one of the greatest books of all time, the BIBLE – (Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth) and seeking God’s kingdom first in everything that we do.

The Bible is the solid rock foundation of goal setting and achieving success and is not silent in presenting all the knowledge, understanding and wisdom that is required for everyone to achieve success supernaturally. Look at the book of Ecclesiastes it states that “If the iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but wisdom is profitable to direct.” Ecclesiastes 10:10 - KJV. What is being stated here? This scripture applies that one must have faith in what he/she believes in which is the strength to get the success in which one is seeking. This also applies to any task that you are preparing for. When one applies preparation to the task, it will be easier and not cause hardship. Wisdom is like sharpened metal it accomplishes its purpose well because it is sharp and penetrating. When this happens then it is successful. A Success scripture to live by!

So what is true success? Is their a standard? The answer to this question is yes, there is true success and there is a standard of Godly success that lines up with scriptures and proven principles that will assist us in achieving success supernaturally like God intended for it to be.


One of the laws and principles for success is an ATTITUDE of GODLY service towards others. This is the same principle Jesus applied everyday and it still applies today and it doesn’t matter what position or business you are in. In other words have the attitude with the heart to give (A Godly Principle) rather than a heart to get (A Worldly Principle). Seek Gods kingdom first in everything that you do.

This e-book and other up coming e-books can also be purchased and downloaded from the following website:

May your success come naturally in all that you do for God

Prophet Mark D. Watt

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