Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Biblical Success
What is success? In the dictionary, success is defined as 1: the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors. 2: the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like. 3: a successful performance or achievement. Just to name a few. The 3 defined ways can be done by applying principles specifically spelled out in the BIBLE.

Success Tip1:
One of the laws and principles for success is an ATTITUDE of GODLY service towards others. This is the same principle Jesus applied everyday and it still applies today and it doesn't matter what position or business you are in. In other words have the attitude with the heart to give (A Godly Principle) rather than a heart to get (A Worldly Principle). Seek Gods kingdom first in everything that you do.

When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto the soul;
Proverbs 2:10 KJV

To download my mini e-book click on the link below Now!

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